About Career Coach Nicole



I’m a career coach whose expertise comes from 10+ years in the career access industry (from managing a career services office at a university to interviewing and hiring thousands of people to managing a recruiting team at a start-up, I’ve done it all). I have strong opinions on the placement of commas on your resume, how to charm a recruiter, and how to apply your transferable skills to a new job because I’ve been the person on the other side of the hiring table for over a decade. Let’s work together so that I can tell you all the secrets, skills, and tools to get you to the next level of your career - you deserve it!


As a biracial, first-generation college graduate, neurodivergent woman, I am deeply committed to empowering individuals who, like me, have faced systemic barriers in achieving their educational and career aspirations. 

Upon becoming the first person in my family to earn a bachelor's degree (in studio art - check out my artwork at nandersonstudio.com!), I embarked on a mission to pay it forward. Immediately after graduating from college, I used my first-hand knowledge and experiences to guide students from similar backgrounds. As an AmeriCorps volunteer, I spent a couple of years working with high school students from low-income and first generation college student backgrounds, coaching them towards college education. Inspired by this work, I later transitioned into college admissions and college career services, where my passion for helping people navigate their educational and professional endeavors grew stronger.

After several years in the education field serving students on their career paths, I decided it was time to deepen my industry expertise and get on the other side of the table. To gain a well-balanced perspective, I made a strategic pivot into corporate and tech recruiting. Within three years, I upleveled my role from a recruiting coordinator position to my most recent role, managing a recruiting team and talent acquisition strategy at a SaaS company. Getting on “the other side of the table” equipped me with valuable insights into business operations, servant leadership, and the intricacies of hiring processes, so that I can pass this insight onto job seekers and clients.

Career Coach Nicole LLC is the culmination of my expertise, leadership, and dedication to creating a ripple effect of positive change through closing the opportunity gap.

“Aqua Poppies,” Donald Sultan

“In Vivid Color” 2020 exhibition at the Mint Museum of Art


These three core values drive all of my work:

Everyone is on their own journey

My role as your career coach is to meet you exactly where you are on your career path and provide appropriate guidance. You have different needs than the person in the office next to you, and my work is to offer tailored, empathetic, person-centered guidance.

Everyone deserves opportunity

Equitable access to career opportunity should be available to everyone, regardless of racial/ethnic identity, gender identity, sexual and romantic orientation, age, geography, ability, parenthood status, economic upbringing, education level… regardless of ANYTHING! Everyone should have the ability to work and provide a livelihood with dignity.

Knowledge is wealth - spread it

I’d like to feed you fish, but I would LOVE to teach you to fish! All services and products are designed to not only help you with your career journey today, but to teach best practices for the future. My goal is that you can apply what you learn from working with me today to your entire career… and teach your community, creating a vast network of empowered folks.

Career Coach Nicole provides career coaching, resume reviews, and interview prep to women


My own career journey fuels my passion and insight for equitable opportunity. From navigating my own complex FAFSA journey (many moons ago!) and extending to my leadership in tech recruitment, I've strategically shaped my career to advance and understand both sides of a career process.

My wholehearted career goal is to share these industry secrets (let me tell you how salary negotiations REALLY work), recruiting strategies (are recruiters reading every single resume? Short answer: no, so let me tell you how you can stand out), and career "hacks" with others so they can achieve their dreams. The transformative power of equitable access to career opportunities can change lives, communities, and generations, and I’m here to help you work toward that one resume edit at a time.


Follow @CareerCoachNicole:

My channels provide tips, tricks, and resources on how to stay current, strategic, and optimized in your career! Follow along to stay connected (and if you want to peep my own career history, check out my LinkedIn, below!):